Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Tornado Room

Hey Jammers!
So I was in Trickertree's den because be claimed he had a green museum. Turns out it was more than just that. It was an EPIC Green Museum!! Plants everywhere, most of it was rare, it was just awesome.
A little while later he said his neighborhood tornado alarm went off, so everyone got into a conversation about natural disasters. Later, norty said "ALL THE AJ TORNADO ALARMS ARE GOING OFF AAH!" and stuff like that. So we took action, claimed our dens were safe, but nobody went. So we just waited for the tornado.
Then all of a sudden the den started to flood! We were trapped, and I had to rescue Teecupp. Then we started to blow away into all sorts of dens! It. Was. Radical.
A little while after that we blowed back into "Home sweet home" and the tornado was gone. That's it for now jammers. Bye-bye!
-Juniper Bravemoon


  1. REMEMBER WHEN I ALMOST DIED!??!?!?!??!?!? ~The Legendary norty

  2. Yeah. Lol. But I saved ya, didn't I?
    -The Legendary-ish nook
