Friday, August 24, 2012


Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm not dead okay? I'm not a zombie. Slenderman didn't find me... yet. HAHA THAT WAS A JOKE! LOLOL I'M SO FUNNY.
Herobrine is after me though. 0_0 He even invaded my dream once...
Anyways I'm a big fan of this Tumblr called "Ask Enderbro". It's hilarious, and Enderbro brightens my day :3
Anywho, AJ's updating, so I've started a new Tumblr! Please check out my Tumblr
You gotta click this link right over here... -------> Click me already! What are you waiting for?
Anywho, Here is my Enderwiggle  ~~~~~(^.^)~~~~~
Also I'm working on a picture of monocle-Luna. So until then

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